ATTENTION: For Those who are serious about Taking Their Sales to the next level...

Discover the Secrets

that Unlock the

Salesforce advantage!


My Step-by-step blueprint for Setting Up and Using Salesforce to:

  • Make More Sales
  • Lose Less Sales
  • Stress Less in the Process

Sign Up Now To Receive This Weekly Salesforce Training


You Will Learn:

Secret #1:

How To

Make More Sales

Leverage the power of Salesforce to be more productive and make more sales and focus on revenue generating activity.

Secret #2:

How To

Lose Less Sales

Develop the habits of using Salesforce to stop losing potential sales with powerful and productive sales follow up.

Secret #3:

How To

Stress Less

in the Process

Learn to lower your personal stress as you deal with the ongoing pressure that will always exist to make sales.

Time is Money.

Get Started Now.

Leverage the Salesforce Advantage

I've knocked on doors, dialed until I was blue in the face and I ran sales teams of hundreds, so I know about Sales. I started in sales when the most advanced technology I had was a rolodex and a road atlas to find, get, and keep a customer.

All these decades later, I have seen, used, and trained every major technology available to improve sales and I am clear that there is nothing else that can Unleash your power to produce sales like Salesforce.

But it doesn't happen by accident. A tree is just a tree, until you chop it down and use it as a lever to move the biggest rocks in your yard. And a CRM is just another limb lying on the ground until someone shows you the power and possibility of using it as a way to create leverage.

I will walk you through the entire process of how to find, get, and keep more sales, faster, with less personal stress by leveraging the power of the Basic features of Salesforce.

Everything you learn can be used immediately to give you an advantage over your competitors, co-workers, and even your potential customers no matter how Salesforce has been configured or customized by your company, with very few exceptions.

But even if you don't use Salesforce, this course can help you because the principles of the course can be applied to any system that is designed to support the sales process.

Let's face it; Sales is hard and Salesforce can be harder. But that doesn't mean it is not rewarding to those that dare to engage in the process of mastering their advantages.

Why would you wait to start your personal journey to Mastery and Success?

I can't think of any reason to wait to start getting the Salesforce Advantage today, can you?

What People Are Saying:

This is such an incredible offer! I've never had someone make software training so interesting and fun.

- John R. - San Diego, CA

How often do you get to peek behind the curtain and learn how to supercharge the sales process. I had a great time and I'm inspired to make more sales.

- Bobby J. - Miami, FL

Technology leaves me feeling alone and lost; after I enrolled into the Salesforce Advantage, I know that I'm not alone.

I can do this... and Dominic Helped!

- Tricia A. - Chicago, IL

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